How to choose sunglasses for fishing in New Zealand

Fishing is a popular recreational activity in New Zealand, a country renowned for its diverse aquatic environments, including pristine rivers, lakes, and expansive coastlines. However, the unique environmental conditions in New Zealand, such as high levels of ultraviolet (UV) radiation, intense sunlight, and variable weather, necessitate the use of specialized eyewear to ensure both the safety and effectiveness of anglers. Sunglasses designed for fishing play a crucial role not only in protecting the eyes from harmful UV rays but also in enhancing visual clarity and comfort under the varying conditions encountered across New Zealand’s fishing landscapes.

UV Protection

Considering UV protection is essential when selecting sunglasses for fishing in New Zealand, a country known for its extremely high levels of ultraviolet (UV) radiation. In fact, New Zealand experiences some of the strongest UV rays in the world, due to its geographical location and the thinner ozone layer above the region. For example, UV radiation levels in New Zealand are about 40% higher than in countries at similar latitudes in the Northern Hemisphere. Prolonged exposure to these rays can lead to serious eye damage, including cataracts, macular degeneration, and even temporary blindness. For fishers spending hours in direct sunlight, this risk is even greater.

The reflective surface of water amplifies UV exposure, as sunlight bounces off the water, striking the eyes from multiple directions. This makes fishing without proper eye protection far more dangerous. Sunglasses with 100% UV protection safeguard your eyes from both UVA and UVB rays, reducing the risk of long-term damage. Additionally, UV-blocking sunglasses help to minimize eye strain and discomfort caused by harsh sunlight, improving both visibility and comfort. A good pair of UV-protective sunglasses allows fishers to concentrate on their task while staying protected from harmful radiation.

Polarized Lenses

Choosing polarized lenses for fishing sunglasses is particularly beneficial in New Zealand, where the fishing environments—ranging from pristine lakes to the expansive coastlines—often create intense glare. Polarized lenses are designed to filter out horizontal glare from the water’s surface, providing clearer and more comfortable vision. For instance, when fishing on Lake Taupō or in the coastal waters of the Bay of Islands, polarized sunglasses help you spot fish and underwater obstacles that would otherwise be hidden by sunlight reflections.

The ability to see below the water’s surface gives fishers a distinct advantage. In fact, polarized lenses can enhance visual clarity by up to 99%, making it easier to track fish movements and avoid hazards like rocks or submerged branches. Beyond improving vision, these lenses also reduce eye fatigue, allowing for extended hours of fishing without discomfort. Without polarized lenses, constant squinting and glare can lead to headaches and diminished focus, reducing both performance and enjoyment.

Lens Colour

Selecting the right lens color is equally important when fishing in New Zealand, as different hues work better in specific lighting and water conditions. For example, amber or brown lenses are ideal for freshwater fishing in rivers like the Tongariro or during the low-light conditions of early morning. These colors enhance contrast and depth perception, making it easier to detect fish or changes in the water’s movement. In contrast, grey or green lenses are better suited for bright, open sea fishing off the coasts, where sunlight is intense. These lenses reduce overall brightness without distorting colors, giving a more natural view in high-glare environments.

Having the correct lens color not only boosts visibility but also reduces eye strain, allowing fishers to stay focused for longer periods. Given the rapidly changing weather and lighting conditions across New Zealand’s diverse fishing spots, sunglasses with tailored lens colors can make a significant difference in both comfort and success.

Durability and Water Resistance

Durability and water resistance are crucial when selecting fishing sunglasses in New Zealand’s unpredictable weather. Whether you’re fishing in saltwater off the coast or freshwater rivers, sunglasses must be able to withstand sudden changes in weather, accidental drops, and exposure to moisture. For example, when fishing in Fiordland, where rain can appear unexpectedly, sunglasses need to remain fog-free and scratch-resistant.

Water-resistant sunglasses are essential for maintaining clear vision, as non-resistant models may fog up or become damaged when exposed to water. High-quality water-resistant sunglasses are also easier to clean, as saltwater and debris can be wiped away without compromising the lenses. This ensures that your sunglasses continue to offer protection from UV rays and glare, critical for maintaining sharp visibility during long hours on the water.

Fit and Comfort

Fit and comfort are key when choosing sunglasses for fishing in New Zealand, where long hours on the water require focus and concentration. Poorly fitting sunglasses can cause discomfort and distraction, ultimately affecting your fishing performance. A secure fit, such as wraparound designs or adjustable nose pads, ensures that sunglasses stay in place during active movements like casting or reeling in a catch.

For example, fishers in windy spots like the Cook Strait benefit from snug-fitting sunglasses that won’t slip or need frequent adjustment. Lightweight materials and ergonomic frames are essential for reducing pressure on the nose and ears, preventing headaches and discomfort on extended fishing trips. Comfortable, well-fitted sunglasses allow fishers to stay focused on their task without irritation, significantly enhancing the fishing experience.